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Life, videos and "It's A..." baby reveal

Hey guys

A couple weeks ago I received a lovely comment on one of my videos on YouTube. I did a book review MONTHS ago, and someone told me it was really good and asked me to do more reviews. I've made a decision to write up a list of books I'd like to read and review, so I can make some more content. My videos aren't monetized so I'm not obligated to make anything, but I like to. I miss it. I haven't really done much reading lately - let's look to the other night where I opened 'The Mortal Instruments City of Bones' on the library eBook app on my phone, and didn't even make it through a sentence before I fell asleep. A partially read copy of 'Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda' is sitting on my dresser, waiting to be finished. I probably made a critical mistake by watching the movie first and now I can't help comparing every little thing to it - there are a few things that were quite different!

Life at the apartment is going really well! I had to buy a new clothes airer because my other one decided to literally fall apart. Bit disappointing because I've had it less than 2 months and paid $22 for it. I managed to snag a new one from Kmart the other day. $15 on the shelf, and when I scanned it, it was $13, so I took advantage of that.

Speaking of Kmart, I ordered a printed yoga mat so I can slowly start getting into yoga. I've been thinking about doing it for a while, and have heard it has great benefits for depression and anxiety. So that definitely has me sold!

In other news, Mum and Dad are currently exploring Europe for 17 days! Their first stop is Rome, and then from there they are boarding a cruise ship for 10 days. They've been sending lots of photos and it makes me really appreciate the internet. They're on the other side of the world, and yet we can still communicate in an instant. They look like they're having an amazing time! Very different to the chilly days we are having here, they're walking around in shorts and t-shirts!

Now for the biggest news you've probably been waiting for! The Gender Reveal party was a couple weeks ago, and it was such an exciting day. Everyone cast their final votes, dressed up in their color of choice, and headed off to the party. It was a beautiful sunny day, which was quite lucky as the party was held outside. After some nibbles and catching up with each other - also meeting each other - we all took our positions to best see the giant black balloon being brought out onto the deck. This giant black balloon which hid a very big surprise. People pulled out their phones to capture the moment on video, and the countdown from 10 began...

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... IT'S A BOY!

Yes! A darling little boy! A son, a grandson, a nephew! Everyone cheered and clapped! The moment the balloon burst and the blue confetti rained down on the deck, my sister's look of complete surprise was perfectly captured on film, and her partner threw his arms up and cheered, before wrapping her up in a sweet hug! Guests spilled onto the deck to congratulate them. It was such a special moment - definitely made it feel so much more real.

Another special moment was when we had our early Father's Day celebration last week Sunday, and we all got a chance to feel the baby kick! That definitely made it seem more real! It was an emotional moment.

Very excited to meet this little man. Can't wait to spoil him and love on him. Already 110% sure he is going to be the cutest baby ever!

Aletia xo

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